Liam has a "thing" with not needing as much sleep as the rest of the household. As it is, his usual bed time routine doesn't kick in till 9pm which means it is often 9.30 or 10pm before he actually falls asleep. Fridays and Sturdays the routine is delayed by an hour so there is never an early night for anyone really.
The Sunday just gone he was awake till 11.30pm, Monday night was 12.30am and Tuesday night was a record breaking 2.30am!!!
With James studying for an exam and having to catch a train to work at 7am, I sent him off to the land of nod. He was trying to do his bit to stay up too but it was so hopless, I just had to laugh. Poor James.
I managed to get Liam to school on both Tuesday and Wednesday by about 10am. Not too bad, I thought.
Wednesday, I was just so shattered that I stayed home from work, thinking I would catch up on a bit of shut-eye - HUH! What was I thinking! I did try but gave up about mid-day. I was just getting more and more grumpy, lol.
It would seem that Liam sailed through his day at school like he had had 12hrs sleep. So not fair, haha.
My wonderful friend Anna turned up after school with the ingredients for dinner so I wouldn't have to think about it, let alone shop for anything. 3 courses too, would believe.
Pumkin and Parmessan Soup, Meatballs / Spagetti / Pasta Sauce to be followed by Apple and Rubarb Pie.
What an absolute honey she is, no wonder I love her dearly!!
Thanks so much my friend, xoxo.